Mid Wales Road Trip: Part One

Six days and over three hundreds miles later, I’ve returned home exhausted yet elated from an incredible road trip exploring mid Wales. From the rugged hills and iconic dams of the Elan valley to the vast expanse of the stunning Brecon Beacons, Welsh book capital Hay on Wye, the National Botanic Gardens of Wales and everywhere else in between!

On any welsh holiday, you can always guarantee a LOT of sheep

It’s been whirlwind of a journey, speeding through valleys and meandering mountain roads to squeeze in as many of the sights as possible in just a few days. I think we can safely say, mission accomplished!

Rather unfortunately after endless blue skies in the preceding days the weather turned predictably British and the rain did put a dampener on a few of our plans but we were not deterred and made the most of the spectacular views, whatever the weather.

A brief pit stop in the cloudy Cwmystwyth metal mines en-route to the Elan valley
Garreg Ddu – the submerged dam under a moody, overcast sky
Looking down river from Caban Coch dam
Rugged hills above Caban Coch reservoir
Caban Coch dam – unfortunately no spectacular cascade of water during our visit
Another spectacular view from Caban Coch dam
In the middle of nowhere (somewhere on the road to Brecon!) with stunning views in all directions…
High on a ridge looking out over the Talybont forest in the Brecon Beacons
Overlooking the vast expanse of Llwyn-on reservoir
Hay on Wye Castle – it’s not all about the books!
One of the peaks at the heart of the Brecon Beacons, Corn Du. The beacons’ highest peak Pen y Fan lies just beyond.
Ewe and lamb going for a stroll in the peaks
Welsh mountain ewe with her inquisitive lamb

I was in good company, with sister and artist Painting Beautiful Places sharing in the adventures. With so much nature to enjoy and absorb, we were in our element, both aiming to capture the beauty of these stunning landscapes in our own way, with canvas and camera.

Myself and Painting Beautiful Places in our element!
Painting Beautiful Places doing what she does best

As well as the beautiful scenery I was keen to capture some of the smaller details and living inhabitants of some of the places we visited.

Vibrant yellow gorse bushes, filled with birdsong
Very distant shot, but thrilled to capture an osprey soaring high above Llangorse lake!
Mute swan bathing on Llangorse Lake
Mute swan cygnets feeding on vegetation
The trio of mute swan cygnets approaching the water’s edge
Cow parsley waving in the breeze
The majestic red kite, thanks to conservation efforts now a common sight across much of Wales.
The banks of Llangorse lake were teeming with these vibrant common blue damselflies
Unfortunately they were also a tasty snack for this female pied wagtail!
Mallard ducks in flight over the lake
Another of the mute swan cygnets, I could have watched them all day!

Perhaps the best location on our road trip for a spot of nature photography was the Botanic Gardens of Wales in Carmarthenshire. I will share these photos in my next blog, coming soon!

Photographs copyright of Claire Stott/Grey Feather Photography © 2024

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